Photos of my shop. I am off to bed. We were at the shop almost 12 hours today but it is ready for the opening tomorrow morning. Stupid opening at Christmas time I know but I would have being paying rent for nothing (well that is not true as I negotiated rent free time). Anyway, once decided then action is warranted and anyway I needed the stock out of the house before I went mad.
I love my shop. It is so old worldy and has a nice atmosphere and with tomorrow being a forecast of 38 degrees celcius (that is pretty darned hot to the Fahrenheit people) then the atmosphere had better be not to bad. Thank god for air-conditioners is all I say. I am still talking hubby into letting me take a second one down as I hate hate hate hot.
The shop came with a first one.
Anyway here are some photos that my dear friend Ann took today before we were finished. The back stitching room is reasonably tidy now. Ann and her DH came back this evening and you couldn't see the table for stuff on it. Ann is a marvel and when she left it was tidied all up. She runs rings around me I can tell you.