Saturday, June 23, 2007
Marilyn Chair by Cat's Whiskers
The photos underneath show the Cat's Whiskers Chair that Marilyn
pbell has stitched. We are lucky that we know a girl by the name of Helen that does all of our finishing and she has put the chair together. (And yes she does work for everyone and her costs are very reasonable). Marilyn's decor didn't lend to stitching the chair in the colours recommended so she chose her own. The variagated colour is DMC Variant and then the plain colour is just a DMC to match it. She even got some scrap booking paper and lined her draw in a reddy colour. The feet are some gorgeous big red beads. I hope you enjoy looking at this stunning chair.

Marilyn's Egyptian Garden
This is the first of two posts today. This first one is of Marilyn's Egyptian Garden. Unfortunately the photo doesn't show up the colour of the fabric. It is my nasturtium. I will get Jacob to scan in when she brings it over next so you can see the colour.
The blues etc look stunning against the soft orange colour. Both of us ha
ve said we wouldn't have dreamed of stitching on such a colour but the two projects we have chosen to do on it are stunning. So here are the pictures.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Some Stitching Updates
Okay I am on a roll I think. I have had the said camera out and I have so far been able to upload the pics onto the computer. Lets see how it works out to get them on here. LOL
This is the progress that I have made on St Sofia. The colour of the fabric hasn't come out as well as I would have liked. It is called Nasturtium. It is one of my hand dyes. The mistake is around where the needle is. I am going to see Marilyn Campbell on Friday so I will pull it out then and continue on. I have only the border around the middle to do and then I am complete. So over a quarter of that stitched. It is a big stitch but not hard.
The next Photo is of the progress of The Vierlanden Mystery that I
am part taking in. I am a tad behind as I only joined at page 27. I have almost completed page 3. I am bringing in a red colour to compliment the black. I am really enjoying the stitching on this piece. I am stitching it on a Permin (I think) maybe 28 count. I really can't be bothered counting it to see and it will easily fit on the piece of fabric.
Thirdly this next photo is of the Long Dog's St Sylvestre. I have only just started this one. It is on black 28 count. I think it is a Jubilee as it is a more open weave than Jobelan. I like it anyway and it is not all that difficult to stitch on. The thread is a silk of Jo's. Dinky Dyes I mean.
Not sure of the colour. I must look. Will up date this later.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Card Reader Arrived
And Jacob has showed me how to use it so I thought I would take a photo of the gorgeous bunch of pink roses that my oldest son gave me Monday night. He quite often arrives with flowers for his Mum. He is such a gorgeous lad.
Well life here has been hectic. Colours Down Under continues to take most of our time.
I have been stitching off and on. I have almost finished a little 4 My Boys freebie chart that Amanda Lake kitted up for me as a gift but I have run out of one of the threads. So I will need to try and find one that matches it. I don't really want to say which design it is as I want to stitch some more as gifts. I have started Long Dog's St Sylvestre on Black with a DD silk thread. I can't remember which colour it is. I will post a photo in my next post. I have made progress on St Sofia (well I had made progress and then discovered a big mistake so I need to pull it out).
Harry the Somali has been given some new nicknames. Helpful Harry being one of them. He loves to help. He dive bombs off the top of the monitor onto the key board when we are typing. he likes to balance on the back of the computer chairs and climb from one to the other chair. Jake and I have both out as we put CDU's stock onto the website. He does the computer stuff and I package, price weigh etc etc. The other name for Harry is Ricochet Rabbit. He ricochets off the walls when he is feeling energetic. That is only about 3 or 4 times a day. He has discovered how to open my thread drawers where I store all my spare DMC's and pulls out skeins of threads and runs around the house with them. He is not in the least frightened of the vacuum cleaner and helps Alan vacuum the house. He especially like to be in amongst the cushions on the sofa's when they are being vacuumed.
Well that is enough for this post. I will be adding lots more photos from now on.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I Wish I Wouldn't leave
It so long in between blogs. I have had a 100 things that I could tell you about but it would just end up being really boring to everyone. I haven't been stitching so much these last weeks. My fibromyalgia doesn't like the cold weather and I have been fighting chronic tiredness again. Oh well that is life! Did I mention that I finished Needle in A Garden? Well I did. I went away on a stitchy weekend and finished it on the Sunday when I got back. I am going ahead with St Sofia but not as fast as I thought. I have all the centre finished and a quarter of the wide border. Well probably a tad over that. I also have completed part 1 and some of part 2 of the Chatelaine Anniversary design. It is going to be gorgeous. When I got the second part of the chart I thought Oh boring but it is going to be gorgeous when this bit is done. It is all gold and rich and lovely. I should have started on part one of the SAL of the Wiehenburg Quaker but after a big chat with Martina herself the other night I am going to wait until she sends me some fabric she wants me to try and flower threads. Woohooo. That is what I am going to stitch it in. Also I am ready to start the Vierlanden Mystery Sampler. I am going to stitch it on a mystery fabric that I can't even be bothered to find out the count of. It looks like a Permin to me. I have it big enough if it is 28 count and anything smaller wont matter. I am using black and 347 red DMC. I so want to start that beautiful sampler in the TGOS by Sampler Cove. What an excellent issue this month. Very mouth watering. When I get Alan's pay this week I am going to buy a card reader (I think that is what Jacob told me it was) for my digital camera. I have lost the cord that hooks up to the computer and I never knew how to use it anyway and always had to wait for Jakey to upload the photos. I am a big girl now so I will learn how to upload my photos myself and then I can show you all photos of my stash stuff and my stitching updates and my kitty kat Harry and my big girl Lindsay. Did I tell you that my latest thing to collect is sewing boxes? Alan stayed home from work today as our work ute (truck) needed some serious (or so we thought) mechanicing on it. EGADS!!!!! luckily he went over and put a new toilet in at Jarrad's (our son) place while the parcel postman arrived. Three huge packages and not for Colours Down Under. All sewing boxes. They are lovely. Well I think so anyways. Anyway enough of the jibber for now and hopefully another post very soon with photos. Yippee!!!!!
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